Saturday, 3 April 2010

Corps, Wars and Indecision.

Consistency is definitely overrated. As is reliability and the ability to pursue a goal.

Good thing I don't have any of those qualities.
On the one hand, I was having fun with Silentium Mortalitas (I even memorized the name after a day or two!) and they were a good bunch of guys to chill with in Vent. On the other hand, I felt completely out of my league. Wardecs flew all over the place, people poured out of stations in battleships, tech2 boats of all varieties and anything I could field wasn't even on the list of best>worst ships on op mails.

It wasn't quite for me. I wanted to have a roam around my usual stomping grounds, pick a few fights, but be able to chill out at other times if I wanted to. With constant wars on, there were occasions I felt like I couldn't even undock without fleeting up. On the couple of occasions I snuck off to Essence to run a couple of isk-making missions, I felt like I was letting the corp down by not hunting WTs.

So it was, with a little regret, that I quit the corp. This was made easier by the fact I didn't have any roles by this point, so I could just duck out more or less unnoticed. It seemed a shame, as we got in some pretty good fights and the guys were all sound (and not the various names and curse-words i've heard them called in local), but there's no point paying for an experience you're not enjoying.
The long journey home.

So where to go from here? Well, there's an update on that, which I'll leave for the next post. For the next day or two, I fleeted up with 'M', the industrialist to grind her Fed Navy standings up a bunch while I ran missions, so as to help drive down brokers' fees and taxes at some key stations.

Since then, I've had some fun fights, lost some cheap ships, killed some slightly more expensive ships and generally got back to the parts I like about this game. More about the kills (including an engagement I'm particularly proud of) and news on my new corp soon!

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